Bonding Vs. Veneers

Sep 9, 2021

Dental treatments like dental bonding and veneers are not only used to fix cavities or broken teeth but can also be used to improve the look of healthy teeth. Veneers are applied to the entire front surface of the tooth, whereas bonding is applied to a smaller portion of the tooth. Bonding and veneers make your teeth look better by changing their colour, shape, angle or spacing. Your dentist can fix teeth that are broken, chipped or cracked, that have spaces between them or that are discoloured. Cosmetic dental treatment can improve your smile and give you more confidence.


What is bonding?

Bonding, also known as bonded restoration, is a painless way to make minor repairs to teeth. In most cases, several teeth can be bonded in one dental visit. Bonding uses tooth-coloured material, called composite resin. Composite resin is put on the tooth, then shaped and hardened with light. The composite resin can be:

How bonding is done

Your dentist places a matrix between the tooth being treated and its neighbouring tooth. A matrix is a thin, clear plastic film that protects other teeth from stray composite resin.

Your dentist then puts a mild chemical on the tooth to make it a little rough. This helps the composite resin to bond or stick to the enamel of your tooth. The composite resin that matches the colour of your natural teeth is chosen so that the bonding blends in with your teeth. Your dentist puts the composite resin on your tooth in layers. A light is used to harden each layer of the composite resin. After the last layer of composite resin is hardened, your dentist shapes and polishes it to form your tooth. The finished tooth looks natural and smooth. At your next dental visit, your dentist will examine the bonding and polish it if needed. Over time, the bonding may wear down and your dentist may touch up the bonding with more composite resin.


What are veneers?

Veneers are very thin shells that are attached to the front part of teeth. They are often made of porcelain or composite resin. Porcelain veneers are stronger than composite resin veneers and do not change colour or stain. Generally, porcelain veneers take at least 2 dental visits to apply and composite resin veneers can be done in 1 visit. Porcelain veneers generally last longer than composite resin veneers.

How composite resin veneers are done

Much like bonding, your dentist puts a mild chemical on the front surface of the tooth to be veneered to make it a little rough. This helps the composite resin to stick to the enamel of the tooth. The composite resin that matches the colour of your natural teeth is chosen so that the veneer blends in with your teeth. Your dentist then puts the composite resin on your tooth in layers. A bright light is used to harden each layer of the composite resin. After the last layer of composite resin is hardened, your dentist shapes and polishes it to form your tooth. The finished tooth looks natural and smooth.

How porcelain veneers are done

With porcelain veneers, your dentist may give you a local anesthetic (freezing). Your dentist then removes a thin layer of the enamel from your teeth to make room for the veneers. Then your dentist makes a mold of your teeth. This mold is used to custom-make your porcelain veneers. In the meantime, your dentist may place temporary veneers to replace the portion of the tooth that was removed. These are worn until your porcelain veneers are ready. The temporary veneers are very fragile and need to be treated gently during eating and cleaning as they come loose very easily.

On your next visit, your dentist removes the temporary veneers and puts a mild chemical on your teeth to make them a little rough. This helps the porcelain veneers stick to your teeth better. The porcelain veneers are then glued to your teeth one by one, using composite resin cement.

Who can get veneers?

Not everyone is a good candidate for veneers. Here are some reasons why your dentist may suggest treatments other than veneers:


What is Bioclear?

Bioclear is a new way to fix diastema/black triangle/gaps between teeth/tooth irregularities. It's a minimally-invasive restorative treatment that is both cost-effective and produces impressive results. The product itself consists of patented plastic matrices and durable composite resin. It is considered an excellent alternative to veneers in some situations. The restoration is entirely natural-looking and carefully matches your natural tooth color.

How is this different from bonding?

The major difference between bonding and Bioclear is that the bonding material will need to be shaved down and shaped. In contrast, the Bioclear will just need to be applied. It is already performed and molded before application.

How is this different from veneers?

The biggest difference between traditional porcelain veneers and Bioclear is there is no damage. When porcelain veneers are applied, the dentist will need to shave down the front of your tooth to allow for fitting the thin covering. This ensures you have a seamless adhesion and is flush with your other teeth. This also means that most porcelain veneer procedures aren't reversible. Bioclear Matrices are reversible and don't damage your natural tooth.

Is Bioclear a better option?

Though you can certainly have bonding or porcelain veneers to close the gap in your teeth, you may want to consider Bioclear. It is an excellent option for anyone looking for a cost-effective approach to improving their smile. It has no long-term side effects as porcelain veneers do, and it outperforms bonding in terms of durability. When matched with only needing one office visit to get the smile you've been wanting, it's clear that Bioclear is a winner for restorative dentistry.

What Else Should I Know?