Common Dental Emergencies and Tips

Jan 25, 2022

Here are common dental emergencies that require immediate attention, and tips on what to do before you can get to a dentist.


If you have constant or severe pain in your mouth, call your dentist immediately. Let them know your symptoms and ask them to see you as soon as possible. They can suggest over-the-counter pain medication and give you advice on how to deal with the pain. Do not put the pills on your sore tooth.

Do not put a heating pad, a hot water bottle, or any other source of heat on your jaw. The heat will make things worse instead of better.

Chipped or broken tooth

All is not lost if your tooth is chipped or broken. Most of the time, they can be saved. Just be sure to call your dentist as soon as possible so they can see you right away. For small breaks, the dentist might use a filling to fix the tooth. For serious breaks, a root canal may be needed. Your tooth may also need a crown (also called a cap).

If your child has chipped their tooth and is bleeding or in pain, contact the dentist immediately. Fast action can save the tooth, prevent infection and reduce the need for extensive dental treatment. Rinse the mouth with water and apply cold compresses to reduce swelling. If you can find the broken tooth fragment, bring it to the dentist.

Knocked-out Tooth

If the knocked-out tooth is an adult (or permanent) tooth, try to place back into the socket as soon as possible. The survival rate is much higher if replantation is done within 5 mins. The survival rate is low if replantation is done after 20 mins. The chances are poor after 60 mins. If the tooth cannot be placed back into the socket, place the tooth in a container and cover with a small amount of your saliva or milk. You can also place the tooth under your tongue or between your lower lip and gums. Apply a cold compress to the mouth for pain and swelling as needed.

Go to your dentist, or to the nearest dentist, right away.

Knocked-out Baby Tooth

Contact your dentist as soon as possible. If there is bleeding, rinse the mouth with water and place gauze in the opening. You can also apply cold compresses on the outside of the mouth to reduce swelling. Keep the child calm instead of looking for the tooth – baby teeth will never be replanted. Never try to reinsert the tooth into the opening – you may damage the permanent teeth growing underneath.

Loose Tooth

A loose tooth could be caused by gum disease or by a blow to the mouth. In any case, it is a serious problem. You should see your dentist.

Lost filling

Use a softened piece of sugarless chewing gum in the spot where the filling was lost and see the dentist as soon as possible.

Badly bitten lip or tongue

If the lip or tongue is bleeding, apply pressure to it with a clean cloth. If the lip is swollen, use an ice pack to keep the swelling down. If the bleeding doesn't stop, go to the hospital right away.

Something stuck between teeth

Start with dental floss to gently and carefully remove the debris. Never poke between your teeth with a pin or a sharp, pointy object — it can cut your gums or scratch your tooth. If you still can't get the object out, see your dentist.

Preventing Dental Emergencies

Accidents do happen, but there are ways to avoid injury to your teeth and gums. It's amazing how everyday habits or eating certain foods can put your teeth at risk. Here's a list of things to avoid: